დავალება 3
თქვენი სკოლა გეგმავს კონფერენციის ჩატარებას მასწავლებლებისათვის. თქვენ დაგევალათ, კოლეგებს გააცნოთ ერთ-ერთი კვლევის შედეგები. გსურთ, რომ პრეზენტაცია PowerPoint -ში გააკეთოთ და ამისათვის სათანადოდ ემზადებით.
წაიკითხეთ ქვემოთ მოცემული ტექსტი და მოცემულ ინფორმაციაზე დაყრდნობით მოამზადეთ 4- სლაიდიანი პრეზენტაცია PowerPoint-ში. გაითვალისწინეთ, რომ სამ სლაიდზე უნდა იყოს ტექსტი, ხოლო ერთ სლაიდზე - დიაგრამა (chart) თქვენთვის მოსახერხებელ ფორმატში.
პრეზენტაცია დაწერეთ ინგლისურ, ქართულ ან რუსულ ენაზე. ფუნქციები გამოიყენეთ შეხედულებისამებრ.
მას შემდეგ, რაც პრეზენტაცია მზად გექნებათ, მონაცემები გადაიტანეთ word -ის ფაილის 2 გვერდზე (2 სლაიდი ერთ გვერდზე).
დავალების მაქსიმალური ქულაა 12.
In spring 2010 a group of specialist from the university of Tallinn, Department of Education, conducted a research on the level of knowledge in mathematics, biology and world literature. The research was conducted in 89 schools from both urban and rural areas of Estonia. The schools which were selected for the research were the state schools only, i.e. the schools funded by the state budget. The schools were selected by the university in cooperation with the teachers’ union. The research was funded by the World Bank. The Ministry of Education of Estonia was not involved in the school selection process, though they had been informed about the research in advance.
The focus group was exclusively the 9th grade students, age 14-15. This is the age when students finish the secondary education and get prepared for high school. The number of students who took part in the research was 673. Equal number of boys and girls participated in the research. They had to complete competence tests in the three above-mentioned subjects. Each subject test had one hundred items. The items were of different difficulty: easy, moderately difficult, difficult and very difficult. The test was computer based and strictly time limited. Testing of the students took only two weeks but analyzing the tests results and preparing the final report took three months.
The results of the tests showed that 363 students (54 %) received 7 points and above, out of 10 points maximum, in World literature; 182 students (27% ) received 7 points and above in biology, again out of 10 points maximum and only 128 students (19 %) received 7 points and above in mathematics. The results of the research showed that 9th graders of the state schools are best prepared in World literature, and - worst prepared in mathematics.
At present the specialists from the University of Tallinn, are preparing recommendations for the Ministry of Education of Estonia for an updated curricula in mathematics, biology and World literature. In agreement with the Ministry of education, similar research will be conducted in all school subjects in the near future. 7
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